13 July 2011

Pool 'party'

On July 11, the pups had their first experience with our wading pool which surprisingly had sprung no major leaks since it was last used 3 years ago for Miska's previous litter.  For their first time in, I just added about 1 inch of water so they could feel water on all their feet. They were curious about the pool but not terribly impressed with the experience of getting their paws wet.  Things will change!

Hmmmm I haven't seen this before.

Should we join you?

Nope, don't like it.

Looks inviting?

Yuck - wet paws!

Not sure about this.

Mr Black is considering it or else he's inspecting the octopus.

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps try throwing in some floating toys and some non floating...they will soon be jumping in to retrieve the toys..or our last summer litter took to it once we had toys in it to retrieve..the pups look great.
