8 July 2009

Missing Nova

One month ago today (June 8), we had to say farewell to our beloved Nova. The sorrow and grief are still very strong and it's hard to believe she is never coming back. I try to cheer myself up with looking at videos of her. At least it makes me think part of her is still alive. The first video captures much of her goofy, fun-loving essence which is what made her such a huge and endearing presence in our house. Nova, I love you and miss you so much.

Nova had a unique (amongst our Vizslas anyway) habit of humping beds. The video below shows her doing just that in 2006. Our beloved Sasha is standing by, wondering what all the fuss is about.


  1. Adorable clip of Nova with her doughnut. We enjoyed that, thank you for sharing. And now we know where Shandy gets her bed humping habit from - this is a daily ritual for her, after her dinner in the evening off she goes to her bed and performs the very same humping routine, mostly watched by Cirrus and Pia, who can't quite make out what the excitement is all about! So there we have it: bed humping is a genetic trait :-)

  2. How funny! Bed humping must be genetic because their grandma Bree also does (did) it! I don't know if she still does. Shandy's sister Miska doesn't however. No one else who has one of Nova's kids has mentioned this trait to me.
