22 January 2009

First anniversary of our Sasha's death

January 22 2009 is the first anniversary of our Sasha's death. It's a hard day for me because I miss him so much. He would have turned 16 on Dec, 31, 2008. It would have been so wonderful if he could have accompanied us to Arizona. He loved to travel and would have enjoyed the warmth of the weather and just being with me. He definitely was a mamma's boy! That wasn't to be but he's in my heart, my soul, and my memories.

Here is Sasha at around 5 months of age. He still needs to grow into his ears!

And a photo of Sasha and me in our younger days, doing obedience in which he excelled. He scored a first in Open A under judge John Harvey who is a tough judge. We were thrilled!

Below is a photo of Sasha with the Tibor Rieter Trophy for Versatility which Sasha earned at the age of 15 from the Vizsla Society of Ontario. This was taken just a day or two before Sasha died.

Our accomplishments were many but what matters more to me right now is just the memory of my wonderful and loving dog, Sasha.

Dear Sasha,

Oh Sasha, I love and miss you dearly but I can smile at my wonderful memories of you and our terrific accomplishments. We did so many great things together. And because of you, your temperament, your accomplishments, others were inspired to achieve various accomplishments so you live on not just in my thoughts and actions but in others' too. You are beyond our physical world in a place where I can't pet you anymore or hold you or feed you or walk you or compete with you in dog sports. But your spirit is here with me and one day, we will be reunited.

All our love Sylvia & Michael


We who choose to surround ourselves
with lives even more temporary than our
own, live within a fragile circle;
easily and often breached.
Unable to accept its awful gaps,
we would still live no other way.
We cherish memory as the only
certain immortality, never fully
understanding the neccesary plan....

--- Irving Townsend ---
"The Once Again Prince"

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